The theme for the IOL Photography Competition this year is:
“A Place of Learning”
- 1st Prize – £150. Plus framed certificate and a framed print of the winning photograph. The winning photograph will also be a front cover photo for Horizons magazine.
- 2nd Prize – £100. Plus a framed certificate
- 3rd Prize – £75. Plus a framed certificate.
We expect a number of the photographs to be suitable for publication in Horizons magazine etc. If we want to use any of these we will contact you through Flickr to let you know.
How to enter:
Submit photographs to the IOL Competition Flickr page (you can submit as many photographs as you like).
(Photographs that are deemed unsuitable or with content that is considered inappropriate will be rejected)
Closing date is: March 31st 2014.
– See more at: http://www.outdoor-learning.org/Default.aspx?tabid=352#sthash.gnJ7ToG4.dpuf